Graduated in Medicine and Surgery in 1981, he specialized in Odontostomatology in 1985 at the University of Padua (Verona campus). He attended numerous specialization courses in Periodontology, Conservative Dentistry, Prosthetics, and Gnathology in Italy, Sweden, and Ireland, and has given lectures in Bologna and Verona on prosthetic procedures in oral implantology. Since 1983, he has been involved in total or partial prosthetic rehabilitations, both fixed and removable, and has dedicated several years to prosthetic rehabilitations on implants. Today, his focus is primarily on prosthetic and conservative dentistry.

He has been collaborating with Dr. Polizzi since 1985. For over twenty years, he has practiced privately in the same facility. Today, he is a key reference point for the team due to his experience and professionalism.