Dental Practice Polizzi Luongo

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Giovanni Polizzi and Giuseppe Luongo share a personal and scientific history. Both graduated in medicine and surgery with the highest honors and immediately decided to continue their studies, specializing, the former in anesthesiology and resuscitation, the latter first in odontostomatology and subsequently in maxillofacial surgery.

Their interests thus focused on the surgical aspects of the dental profession, particularly implantology. This common interest led them to frequently attend the University of Gothenburg in Sweden, where modern implantology developed. There, they established close contacts with Prof. Branemark and his team, deepening their knowledge of implant rehabilitation techniques to the highest levels and solidifying their friendship.

Returning to Italy, they both developed their dental practices in Rome and Verona, gathering a group of colleagues, each specialized in a particular branch of dentistry (orthodontics, periodontology, prosthetics, gnathology, etc.) around their implantology expertise. This modern vision ensured the highest quality of clinical performance.

Following the same philosophy, both practices soon became centers of dental excellence, with therapy quality always accompanied by constant updates in techniques, technologies, and materials. Both international lecturers, they continued to meet at various scientific meetings, presenting their professional experiences at major conferences and prestigious institutions across all five continents.

In recent years, they decided to unite their paths in Verona at Dr. Polizzi’s historic practice, forming a professional association that includes colleagues from different backgrounds, offering the best competencies available in each branch of dentistry. The team also includes a group of well-trained young professionals who manage the digitalization of procedures and ensure continuity in professional and scientific activities.

Simultaneously, the historic practice at Via Gobetti 9 was completely renovated, updating the technology with the most advanced digital tools, from optical impressions to cone beam computed tomography. An eye on modern ecological principles and holistic approaches allows the team to practice medicine that considers the individual in their bio-psycho-spiritual unity, tailoring the therapeutic plan for each patient.


Giovanni Polizzi and Giuseppe Luongo share a personal and scientific history. Both graduated in medicine and surgery with the highest honors and immediately decided to continue their studies, specializing, the former in anesthesiology and resuscitation, the latter first in odontostomatology and subsequently in maxillofacial surgery.

Their interests thus focused on the surgical aspects of the dental profession, particularly implantology. This common interest led them to frequently attend the University of Gothenburg in Sweden, where modern implantology developed. There, they established close contacts with Prof. Branemark and his team, deepening their knowledge of implant rehabilitation techniques to the highest levels and solidifying their friendship.

Returning to Italy, they both developed their dental practices in Rome and Verona, gathering a group of colleagues, each specialized in a particular branch of dentistry (orthodontics, periodontology, prosthetics, gnathology, etc.) around their implantology expertise. This modern vision ensured the highest quality of clinical performance.

Following the same philosophy, both practices soon became centers of dental excellence, with therapy quality always accompanied by constant updates in techniques, technologies, and materials. Both international lecturers, they continued to meet at various scientific meetings, presenting their professional experiences at major conferences and prestigious institutions across all five continents.

In recent years, they decided to unite their paths in Verona at Dr. Polizzi’s historic practice, forming a professional association that includes colleagues from different backgrounds, offering the best competencies available in each branch of dentistry. The team also includes a group of well-trained young professionals who manage the digitalization of procedures and ensure continuity in professional and scientific activities.

Simultaneously, the historic practice at Via Gobetti 9 was completely renovated, updating the technology with the most advanced digital tools, from optical impressions to cone beam computed tomography. An eye on modern ecological principles and holistic approaches allows the team to practice medicine that considers the individual in their bio-psycho-spiritual unity, tailoring the therapeutic plan for each patient.



Digital analysis and planning for comfortable and personalized implants.



Technological innovation to ensure excellence and safety.



Aesthetic analysis and computer-guided individual design tailored to your face.


Professional, skilled, and kind, always available.

Truly excellent, with great experience and a very modern clinic.

Always kind and innovative in solutions and techniques, highly recommended.


Dr. Giovanni Polizzi
Dr. Giovanni Polizzi
Dr. Giuseppe Luongo
Dr. Giuseppe Luongo
Dr. Marco Barana
Dr. Marco Barana
Dr. Paolo Lovato
Dr. Paolo Lovato
Dr. Mario Imburgia
Dr. Mario Imburgia
Dr. Claudio Mazzotti
Dr. Claudio Mazzotti
Dr. Alessia Gonzato
Dr. Alessia Gonzato
Dr. Sofia Iannacone
Dr. Sofia Iannacone